“Generations, Hastings’ Fishing Families” exhibition at the Houses of Parliament

Fishmen16Nov 002 copy 2“Generations, Hastings’ Fishing Families” will be exhibited in the Upper Waiting Hall in the Houses of Parliament at the end of January.

Last spring, we submitted an application through our local MP, Amber Rudd, to have the Generations photographs exhibited in the Houses of Parliament Waiting Hall. There is normally a huge queue of applications for showing work in this prestigious location. Needless to say, we are over the moon with this is very exciting news.

The exhibition, which opens January 27th, will be a very powerful opportunity to promote the cause of the Hastings fishing community, as well as publicizing the work of FLAG (Fisheries Local Action Group).

From the success of this exhibition, I hope to continue the project throughout the UK, as well as similar fishing communities in Europe.


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